Keeping Your Child Safe & Healthy
A Responsible Team Follows Proven Safety Guidelines
Keeping Your Child
Safe & Healthy
A Responsible Team Follows Proven Safety Guidelines
Preschool & Childcare Center Serving Montgomery County, Gaithersburg, North Potomac, Potomac, Rockville & Silver Spring, MD
Your child’s teacher wears a mask and gloves during essential tasks like handling food and cleaning to stop the potential spread of germs. Prevention is a cornerstone of protecting everyone’s health.
Germs Have No Home
On Your Child’s Toys
Deep Cleaning Keeps
Spaces Risk-Free
Increased Attention To Hand
Hygiene Stops The Spread
Increased Attention
To Hand
Stops The Spread
Limited Visitors Means
Limited Exposure
Academy has an open-door policy for all currently enrolled families! We kindly ask parents to limit their total time spent daily dropping-off & picking-up within the building to 15 minutes.
All onsite, pre-enrollment tours will be offered after hours our when children are not present in the building. Virtual tours are also an option!
Reducing foot traffic within our facilities reduces the risk of possible exposure to your child and family.
Academy provides one morning snack and one afternoon snack depending on your child’s daily schedule. All families are required to provide a healthy lunch for your child(ren).
Please refer to the Academy Family Handbook for healthy food choices in the classroom. Click here
Academy’s operating hours vary based on location. Please visit your preferred center’s location page.
Each center is equipped with trained staff to facilitate the sanitation of toys and manipulatives throughout the day in addition to frequently touched surfaces. Each evening after pick-up, our buildings are professionally cleaned topped to bottom!
Each age group and program have their own capacity guidelines provided by the Maryland State Department of Education. Please click here for state guidelines: